Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Rugby Union Guards - do they work

International Rugby Board rules prohibit the use of any type of equipment that could potentially cause harm to another player. This rules out metal, hard plastic or any other type of rigid material, with the exception of strictly regulated types of studs on rugby boots. Traditional rugby headguards, also known as scrum caps or ear protectors, are thin cloth caps or headbands with a little padding to protect the player's ears, which are particularly vulnerable to permanent injury. In recent years, protective rugby headgear with soft padding around the head has become increasingly popular. Greater importance is given to keeping the brain and mental faculties safe, and less to the possible "lack of manliness" that the wearing of such protective headgear might suggest. Although optional is most countries, protective rugby headgear is mandatory in Japan and for some Canadian teams. In Australia, there is currently a somewhat controversial movement to make rugby headguards mandatory for Junior Rugby players. Such headguards have been shown to reduce soft tissue damage and absorb some of the shock of blows to the head. And although studies have shown that protective rugby head wear does not reduce the incidence of concussions, it can reduce the severity of concussions and the length of recovery time.

High cost and discomfort of scrum caps are two main objections that many rugby players have raised. Thanks to such up to date technology, rugby scrum caps are now affordable and made with innovative materials that are comfortable, lightweight yet affordable materials that are lightweight, and have a greater ability to absorb shocks. When buying, numerous factors need to be considered. First, the headguard must bear the official International Rugby Board logo. All headguards that have not had the proper approval by the International Rugby Board are not to be used in a rugby match. It is also important that the headguard is comfortable and fits properly. The head guard should fit securely to the head and have cloth laces or Velcro straps that hold it firmly in place. Essential ventilation is also required to add comfort and to ensure hearing. Because rugby headgear is available in many different shapes and sizes, it is imperative for rugby players to try them on before purchase. A headguard that does not fit correctly will be uncomfortable and will be less likely to be worn.

Rugby headgear also requires proper care and maintenance in order to be most effective. Prior to each practice or game, laces and straps should be re-adjusted to ensure that the cap fits properly, ensuring it fits tight and secure. After every time used, the scrum cap needs to be be disinfected with a bleach and water solution to keep bacteria and at bay. Rugby headgear must be replaced each year, because even the most durable materials can weaken after repeated assault. Headguards are still not coompulsary in the majority of the world and may well be optional for some years to come. Despite this, contemporary scientific and medical knowledge of the true costs of head injuries combined with comfortable and affordable equipment options may inspire more rugby players to seriously consider protective rugby headgear.

Planning on investing in a Rugby Headguard?, visit ==> Rugby Headguards

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